Single Elder Millennial

Umm…the struggle is really real!! Dating has really changed over the years, and that is putting it lightly. First off, if you are not an elder millennial (born 1988-89 or after), you will more than likely not agree with what I have to say about dating. An elder millennial is one who was born 1981-1987; we have more in common and more similarities with those in Generation X. We have the best of both worlds, because we share characteristics of both generations. When it comes to dating, however, we long for the things that Gen X experienced, but they are almost extinct. Some of the things that are rare, are: phone conversations, courting, and meeting people outside of an app! How some people think that they can build a relationship with someone via text, just blows me. When I was a teen, and in my early 20’s, there was always someone trying to hook you up with someone they knew. Nowadays, everyone is too busy, or the people they know are married, or are hoeing around; and guys don’t approach you unless you are on an app (where most of the people have pics posted from 10 years ago). It is so crazy to me how we have so much more access to various ways of communication, but people less. What would some people do if they really had to have a meaningful conversation? Would they even be able to? Or would they speak in text lingo? Maybe some individuals are too busy putting their lives together on social media for their peers to believe, that they actually miss out on living that life! I’m getting off of my soapbox now…

P.S. There is a special on Netflix called, Elder Millennial that those of us who were born 1981-1987, will understand completely. Go check it out…..until next time.