Words Do Matter

Growing up we would always recite, “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” We should know by now that this is as far from the truth as it can get. Our words are very powerful and have a greater effect than we think. Why are so may children who are bullied committing suicide? Because they are taunted with evil words by their peers. These words are strong enough to lead an individual to think that they are unworthy, that they do not belong or fit in, and that they should end their life because of these words. In mentioning this, it is my hope to bring attention to the words we use on a daily basis towards others and ourselves. Instead of using words of negativity to bring another down, how about uplifting them or empowering them? The same should be done in regards to oneself….yes, I am saying talk to yourself! If you don’t speak positively about yourself or empower yourself, you may begin to believe the negative things that people say about you. Your words can either be used like a knife to cut people down, or like bricks to build people up…